Saturday, December 25, 2010

Coolest Gadget Gifts For Boyfriend

With so many gadgets to choose from, how would you know which ones are the best gifts for boyfriend? We know that men are obsessed with gadgets and gizmos regardless of race and age. But if you're not a gadget geek like me, it can be really frustrating.

You're in luck for I'm going to reveal in this article some of the hottest and most wished for gadget gifts for boyfriends today. These include:

Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. This nifty gizmo automatically creates digital copies of everything he writes and records audio at the same time. It basically captures everything you write and draw. He can easily transfer notes to his laptop or personal computer and even search for words or phrases within his notes. One of perfect gifts for men who are taking notes all the time. Can hold more than 100 hours of recording. Price ranges from $150 to $200 depending on the store.

Altec Lansing T612 Digital Speaker. Dock station is one the best gifts for boyfriend today. What makes this dock station for iPhone and iPod really stand out is its ability to avoid picking up any bothersome hum emitted by mobile phones and he doesn't have to switch to airplane mode just to play his favorite songs. Retail price at around $115 to $125.

Flip UltraHD Camcorder. Capture all those romantic memories in HD video quality with this very easy to use camcorder. Gadgets experts love its simplicity and incredible video quality. It's also equipped with built-in software that will allow him to edit video clips, customize videos, shoot still images, and even email or upload videos to popular sites like YouTube and MySpace. Price ranges from $160 to $200.

Irecord. This gadget gift for men will easily allow him to record his much loved TV shows and even movies directly to his iPod or PSP. No need to use his PC or learn programming skills. Retail price at around $180 to $200.

Rapid Beverage Chiller. For guys who love cold drinks, this is the right gadget for him. It quickly chills his favorite beer or soda without affecting the composition or taste. Get this - it can cool a 12 ounce beverage can from 77 degrees to 43 degrees in just 1 minute! Selling at around $70.

Voice-Activated Alarm Clock. This is not your grandma's alarm clock. This talking alarm clock is powered by voice-command. Just the say word and it will change time and date, set the alarm, and even tell him the indoor temperature in Centigrade or Fahrenheit. Available online for $50 to $60.

Vacuum-Cleaning Robot. For men who don't like to clean the house or perhaps too busy to do it, this vacuum robot is the best gift ever. It will clean the whole floor without him lifting a finger. It automatically adjusts to floor surface like carpet, tile, wood or linoleum. Retail price set at $250.




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